Development of synthetic materials-based culture environments for Archaea

Archaea are established as a separate branch in the tree of life next to bacteria. Eukaryotes are no longer considered a distinct and separate branch, but instead they are considered to be recent members of the archaeal branch. While the effect of controlled and synthetic 3D culture environments on a range of eurkaryotic cell types are widely recognized and can be harnessed to learn about and steer specific cell behaviours, application of this concept in archaea is practically non-existent.

Integrating systems chemistry and evolutionary perspectives on the origin of life

The complex problem of the origin of life can be approached from different angles and scientific disciplines: while chemists may attempt to extrapolate from their understanding of self-organization processes in organochemical networks towards the first living systems, biologists may reason ‘from hindsight’, based on their knowledge of extant life and their reconstruction of the most plausible pathways that led to its emergence.

A Switchable Peptide Fibril Esterase Enzyme Mimic

Recent attempts to mimic enzyme catalysis using simple, prebiotically relevant peptides have been successful in enhancing various reactions. However, the on-demand, temporal or spatial regulation of such processes by external triggers remains a great challenge. Light irradiation is an ideal trigger for regulating molecular functionality, since it can be precisely manipulated in time and space, and because most reaction mediums do not react to light.

The evolutionary consequences of isolation

Oceanic islands harbor a disproportional fraction of Earth’s biodiversity, but are also host to many species that are threatened with extinction. Advantages of isolation are reduced competition, predation and parasitism, availability of new ecological niches, and opportunity for unique traits (that might become very advantageous in the future) to become fixed due to genetic drift. That is, an isolated system is a cradle for new forms of life.

The Origin of Homochirality

One of the key features of life is the presence of its essential molecules such as amino acids, proteins, sugars and DNA as one mirror image form. These single handed chiral (from Greek χειρ (kheir), “hand”) structures are considered crucial for the evolution of life on the earth; a phenomenon called homochirality.