Profile of the supervisor

Prof. dr. Floris van der Tak was trained in astrophysics and astrochemistry in Leiden, Bonn, and Berkeley. Since moving to Groningen in 2006, his interest has expanded into astrobiology and exoplanet habitability.

Central questions in his research are:

  • Why do stars have a broad range of masses?
  • How are organic molecules formed in space?
  • What is the origin of volatile material (oceans and atmospheres) on rocky planets?
  • How can we observe if an exoplanet is habitable?

Van der Tak has published over 240 papers in peer-reviewed journals, which have been cited over 13,000 times. Highlights include the first detections of interstellar H2D+, ND3, and other molecules in the interstellar medium, the discovery of variations of the cosmic-ray ionization rates of gas clouds across our Galaxy, and the detection and characterization of rotating disks around high-mass protostars.


Submillimeter observations, molecular line spectra, radiative transfer models, high-mass star formation.

Profile of the research group

The group of Van der Tak has contributed significantly to our understanding of the physical structure and chemical composition of star-forming regions. Their key methodological advances are the development of advanced radiative transfer programs, innovative modeling techniques, and databases. Currently, the group focuses on the radiative and mechanical feedback of massive stars on their natal gas clouds, the diagnostic value of infrared emission lines by small molecules, the delivery of volatile material to (exo)planetary surfaces, and the detectability of potential biomarkers in exoplanet spectra. The group consists mostly of international students, with a male/female ratio of about unity.