Evolution of multicellularity

Project description

Multicellularity represents one of the most significant evolutionary transitions in the history of life, and a key topic in Origin of Life research. Understanding its underlying mechanisms offers insight into how complexity arises. We are interested in the evolution of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) that drive this transition. Previous studies have suggested that small modifications in GRNs may be key drivers of increased multicellular complexity, particularly in the early stages of evolution.

Additionally, the number of cells within species seems largely conserved, pointing toward “stable states” within these networks. In this project, we aim to model GRN evolution, i.e. we will simulate the networks and identify stable cellular states. We will compare our simulations with available data on clades with both unicellular and multicellular species to uncover key transitions in complexity, specifically related to the differentiation of single cells, germ cells, and soma. By deciphering and comparing these GRNs, we hope to map out potential evolutionary trajectories that explain how multicellularity evolved and stabilized.


Prof. dr. Rampal Etienne

Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life (GELIFE) and Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences
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Prof. dr. Sander van Doorn

Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFE)
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