Profile of the supervisor

Prof. dr. P.R. (Patrick) Onck received his PhD (cum laude) from Delft University of Technology, followed by a postdoc position at Harvard University. Since 2012 he is full professor in computational (bio)physics at the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials of the University of Groningen. His research is curiosity-driven and aimed at unravelling the secrets of life in health and disease. Onck has published over 200 scientific articles (H-index 59). The group operates its own computer cluster and has access to high-performance supercomputers in Groningen and Amsterdam.


Molecular biophysics, molecular dynamics simulations, nuclear pore complex, biological condensates, intrinsically-disordered proteins.

Profile of the research group

The Onck group has a strong track record in developing multiscale computational models that are able to bridge the gap between the atomistic and (supra)molecular length scales. Current focus is on using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations to uncover the physical mechanisms of a range of biological processes, such as transport through the nuclear pore complex, liquid-liquid phase separation and self-assembly of amyloid fibers, all involving intrinsically-disordered proteins. In addition to curiosity-driven research there is also a strong focus on resolving the molecular origin of neurodegenerative diseases and cancer, both in collaboration with the UMCG. The group publishes regularly in leading journals such as PNAS, Science Advances, Nature Materials and Nature Communications. The group is very diverse with many nationalities and a range of academic backgrounds, featuring a lively and supportive atmosphere.