Bioinspired Processing of Coacervates using Microfluidic Technology

Project description

Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) or coacervation is a key process to regulate self-assembly of proteins and other molecules within living cells. LLPS occurs within macromolecular solutions generating a liquid concentrated phase that is separated out of solution somewhat similar to the way oil de-mixes from water. This process is driven by entropic factors, electrostatic and/or weak interactions, and can therefore be influenced by changes in concentration, solvent parameters (like pH and ionic strength) or environmental parameters (like temperature and external electric field). Synthetic polymer solutions such as oppositely charged polyelectrolytes may also result in LLPS.

In this project we will use LLPS to direct and control the assembly of synthetic and biological macromolecules, in a similar way that nature does this. Using microfluidic technology, we will be able to control the dynamic process of LLPS in space and time by gradually changing the solution parameters. This will enable us to control the supramolecular assembly of the materials and thereby achieve unexplored material properties. Moreover, recent developments in microfluidic 3D (bio)printing will enable fabrication of large structures with unprecedented control of material composition.

What’s in it for you

  • Deepen your knowledge on physical, chemical and biological aspects of liquid-liquid phase separation.
  • Work with microfluidic technology and microfluidic 3D (bio)printing
  • Insight in fundamental research on polymer self-assembly and how it translates into biomedical applications
  • Learning to carry out multidisciplinary research

Additional specifications

We look for a candidate with a MSc in Chemistry, Materials Science, Applied Physics or Chemical Engineering. Experience with microfluidics is recommended.


Prof. dr. Marleen Kamperman

Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
Supervisor Profile Supervisor Profile

Prof. dr. Sijbren Otto

Stratingh Institute
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